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The Original Songs

Sorry - the song demos will be published when the book comes out

... or maybe a little bit before. But I do have some titles:

  • I Come from the Blues
  • I’ve Got the Blues, I Ain’t Worried
  • The Hall of Fallen Angels
  • Drinking Song
  • Whiskey in the Jar (Jenny's Tale)
  • Cross, Don’t Cross


We have a title!

We also have a blurb, and anything in the blurb is fair game for social media. So here is Kai*:

Kai is represented by a Lego figure in classic Lego yellow. Kai is playing a Lego drumkit.

Kai (no pronouns) is the drummer in a small-town blues band. In two weeks the band tours Germany, with a recording studio booked for their return. Then their singer quits…

TEARDOWN - published by Ninestar Press in winter 2024 - is the story of what happens next.

* Kai isn't really a Lego person, but Lego figures do avoid questions of race and gender, which is very convenient.

Author Bio

William Campbell Powell

William lives in a small Buckinghamshire village in England. By night he writes speculative, historical, crime and other fiction. His debut novel, EXPIRATION DAY, was published by Tor Teen in 2014 and won the 2015 Hal Clement Award for better than half-decent science in a YA novel—the citation actually says "Excellence in Children's Science Fiction Literature".

His short fiction has appeared in DreamForge, Metastellar, Abyss & Apex and other outlets.

By day he writes software for a living and in the twilight he sings tenor, plays guitar and writes songs.

Social Media


William Campbell Powell on BlueSky


Kai (no pronouns) is the drummer in a small-town blues band. In two weeks the band tours Germany, with a recording studio booked for their return. Then their singer quits.... TEARDOWN - to be published by in winter 2024 - is the story of what happens next. #LGBTQBooks

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— William C Powell ( September 8, 2024 at 7:54 PM



William Campbell Powell on Instagram


To contact William Campbell Powell: use the following email address, having removed spaces and replaced the at-symbol.

c o n t a c t (a) w i l l i a m c a m p b e l l p o w e l l . c o m