2015-03-26 00:12 - Expiration Day joins YA Scavenger Hunt

YA Scavenger Hunt

The YA Scavenger Hunt gives readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from favourite authors, to win prizes and to discover new books and new authors. Expiration Day is joining Blue Team - one of 8 teams of 20 authors and their books.

Over the long weekend of April 2nd - 5th, entrants are invited to follow a winding course through the websites of their chosen team, picking up clues from special guest pages.

Expiration Day will be offering a deleted scene, and a copy of Expiration Day will be contributed to the prize pack.

Good luck. And may the odds be always ...

No. It's not that sort of competition. Go have fun. Discover new books.

page last updated Thu Jul 23 21:46:24 UTC+0100 2015